Online Kindergarten Registration for 2021-22


Registration will take place online beginning Monday, March 8. Students must be 5 years old before Aug. 15, 2021, in order to be eligible for the 2021-22 school year. Registration will be completed entirely online. Parents should make sure they have the necessary documents before beginning the registration process.



The following documents are needed to register a student for kindergarten:

  • Copy of signed lease agreement (including renewed lease agreements); signed executed settlement statement, deed, mortgage statement or similar proof of legal residency; or a signed valid non-contingent real estate sales contract (only applicable if moving to the school zone)
  • Two different utility bills (gas, electric or water, or a connection verification letter) for last month prior to enrolling (not phone/cell phone).
  • Photo ID (driver’s license or passport of parent registering)
  • Most recent/up-to-date Tennessee certificate of immunization
  • Physical examination
  • Birth certificate "mother's copy" (raised seal)

 The registration link will be available on the WCS Elementary Education page beginning March 8.



New Student Registration: